Welcome to Local Hotels
We have been listing
local hotel booking companies, travel agents,
vacation rentals, hotels as well as national, regional, international hotel chains since 26 years.
Localhotels.com founded in 1998,
helps facilitate direct contact between travelers and local travel agencies and hotels.
Please enter the name of the country you would like to visit or check the list below for country list.
You may use the AI chat below by Alibaba model Qwen-Max for travel itinerary planning, ask questions about top attractions in a country, flight, hotel, tour info and any other questions you may have. Please note AI does not offer booking services, you need to go to the travel service providers' webpages and directly book there.
AI Chat Box for Travel Planning and More
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if you encounter a problem.
The global companies such as Booking, Expedia are already known. How about checking local alternatives for your destination. In many countries you will see excellent prices from major local travel booking sites. Moreover, you will be dealing with a company at your destination. Also we list local hotel chains and hotels that provide direct booking on their websites with special promotions.
As for language barriers you can use AI apps on your phone like
AIPhoneai )
We invite you to check alternatives.
Directory of local hotel reservation services, hotels and travel agencies
Find hotel and travel agency websites otherwise buried in search results full of global companies.
Hotels Near Me
You may also find hotels in your area or around a particular attraction using services listed here
Are you looking for a hotel near you? Then check the page for the booking platform for the country you are in.
Planning your next vacation?
Save hours of travel research, find out what you may have been missing. Check and compare hotel rates quickly and easily. And don't miss out on local deals!
New Travel Destinations
Consider new travel destinations and get ideas for your next trip.
We will also add top travel videos and short language videos ( from Content Creators ) for those who would like to learn a few words before traveling.
A new world, time for Localhotels!
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